Tishina / RadioCommunicationPolicy

Communication policy:

  • Respect orders for communication blackouts.
  • Know the Phonetic Alphabet and use it when communicating letters and numbers.
  • When communicating numbers that include a decimal, use the word "decimal." Do not use "dot" or "point."

Default communication:

  • Units: Begin transmission with intended destination unit callsign, speak concisely, end transmission with your unit callsign.

Communiction when there is a central command:

  • Transmission may be initiated by either central command or by a unit.
  • All units are assumed to be speaking directly to central command at all times, and not to each other. This allows central command's callsign to be omitted for brevity.
  • Units: [Command's callsign is omitted], speak concisely, follow your transmission with your unit callsign
  • Central: Begin transmission with intended unit callsign, speak concisely. [Command's callsign is omitted]
  • In an emergency, units may revert to default and speak to other units directly by opening their communication with the unit's callsign they intend to reach. This should only occur in extreme circumstances such as loss of contact with central or when literal seconds matter. This is because even when speaking to central directly, other units can still hear the transmission to central.
  • It is acceptable to include Command's callsign for clarity when necessary. This may be reasonable if units have reverted to default communication for emergency direct communication.

Any time information or orders are being communicated, regardless of who initiated the communication, the one receiving the information or order should always repeat back (read back) the information or order to the transmitter. For anything more complex than a number, do not use identical phrasing, but repeat it back in different words in such a manner that explains how you understand its meaning, being very clear on any points that may not have been clear in the original transmission. If the transmitter of the information or order is happy with your read back, the transmitter will not reply back. Upon failure to read back, the transmitter should request a read back by asking if their transmission was received.