PlayerAgreement / Participation

Time Requirements:

It is certainly understood that Players do not have infinite time, and often have very little. As such, the Trans Sidera Admins and Players alike are willing to work with that OOC restriction on your time to the best of our ability.

In order to facilitate this RL restriction, When Role Playing their Characters, Players are required to not include the effects of the RL time restrictions of other Players to the best of their abilities. This may mean simply not addressing things for extended periods of time, and may require OOC communication.

Simultaneously, if your time is restricted, please understand that eventually there is a limit where things begin to break, and Players must start incorporating absence into Role Play. This is simply an unfortunate reality of how OOC simply must affect IC, and there is no way around that. What that time frame may be is completely dependent on the nature of the Role Play.

In all cases, it is requested that communication happen whenever possible to make these restrictions and the effects as painless as possible to everyone involved. Communication is the key.

Required Number of Characters:

In theory, there is no upper limit to the number of you may create. In practice, three or four within a setting is usually considered an upper limit, as it begins to be impossible to maintain more than that.

NOTE! The remainder of this section is NOT currently an enforced requirement. It is however highly, highly suggested, and it is recommended that you fully understand the benefits of Role Playing multiple PCs per scene:

There is a server requirement for each player to have at least three PCs total, and at least two PCs within each setting they participate in. These PCs must be actively maintained and regularly Role Played when that setting is the Focus. For new Players or Players who are otherwise just entering a setting, there will be a several month grace period before a second PC is required. NPCs do not count toward this total, and there should be a significant separation between your PCs that is appropriate for the setting. The following are some of the reasons that these minimums are required:

  • Having multiple PCs shares the load of the server, by ensuring that in a small player base there are enough characters for other characters to interact with.
  • Having multiple PCs allows Players to continue interacting through Role Play when there is strife between specific Characters without requiring OOC exclusion.
  • Having multiple PCs permits Players to continue Role Playing when another Character is out of commission for any given reason.
  • Having multiple PCs reduces stress on the Role Play of other Players, as they do not have to constantly interact with one particular Character in all public RP as that is not only unrealistic, it is also not always IC. It is unfair to force it on other players whose only alternative is to simply exclude you, or themselves.
  • Having multiple PCs makes sure that other Players who are RPing multiple Characters can keep up, specifically by slowing you down.
  • Having multiple PCs improves OOC perspective on settings, without violating the concept of FOIG, improving your ability to stay in closer touch with the setting instead of seeing it only through one character's eyes.

All Players are required to participate in the Main Setting. This is not negotiable, and not optional, as it is required for server health. Participating in only a Secondary Setting is not permitted. This is also because Secondary Settings may come and go, or may not be Focused on for extended periods of time.

Players may opt to participate in any Secondary Setting, but it is not required. If they choose not to, it may mean there will be stretches of time from one day to many weeks where they will not be able to participate in any Role Play related to the server. This is because the server will focus completely on one setting at a given time. If you only wish to participate very sparingly in a Secondary Setting, Role Playing an NPC within a Secondary Setting is permitted- but if it becomes a PC by being RPd regularly, creating a second PC is required. Please speak with an Admin to learn about any Secondary Settings.